Competition Play

Weekly 18 hole competitions are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The format for these competitions may vary and members are advised to check the Program Calendar for the type of event to be played on each day. The format for Special Events can also be found in the Program Calendar. Members may book online up to two weeks’ ahead or call the Pro Shop.

There is also the popular Summer Teams competition, sponsored by The Heads Hotel. Entries are for teams of 8 players who get together to play 9 holes once a week, outside of competition times, during the summer months. The Leaderboard is published weekly with prizes for the top-scoring players. Full details are advertised by the Pro Shop during September.

Types of Event

Stableford: An individual event with scoring based on a player’s handicap. 2 points for Par and 1 point for 1 over Par. A player picks up their ball if they are no longer able to score on the hole and records a “Wipe” or “Pick Up”.

Par: An individual event with scoring is based on a player’s handicap. Score a “Square”‘ for Par and “+”‘ for under Par. A player picks up their ball if they are no longer able to score on the hole and records a “-“.

Bisque Par: Bisque Par is similar to the Par scoring format. However, the player may choose when to use their handicap shots. The player must declare before they hit off on the next tee if they wish to use their shots on the previous hole (and how many). This continues until all their handicap shots have been used and the rest of the round is played off scratch.

Stroke: An individual event where a player MUST complete each hole regardless of the number of strokes. Monthly Medal rounds are always stroke rounds.

Ambrose (2,3 or 4 Person): All hit off, then select the best ball and all hit from there until a ball is holed. Players must place their ball within 1 club length of where the selected ball lies – regardless of whether the ball lies on the fairway or in the rough. Putts 30cm and under may be tapped in instead of marking to save time. In all 3 & 4 Person Ambrose events, each player must count three tee shots on the score card, with initials. Any variations will be notified on the day.

Foursomes: Players tee off alternate tees and play alternating shots until the ball is holed. Note: Penalties DO NOT change the order of hitting.

Canadian Foursomes: Both hit off, then take the best ball alternating hits until the ball is holed.

American Foursomes: Both hit off, change balls and hit partner’s ball, then take the best ball, alternating hits until the ball is holed.

2 Ball Aggregate: Aggregate (total) of both players’scores.

2 Ball Multiplier: The number of points for each hole is determined by multiplying the two players’ scores, then totalling the number of points at the conclusion of the round.

2 Ball Special 6s:  The number of points for each hole is determined by which hole – 1st 6 holes Aggregate, 2nd 6 holes Multiplier, 3rd 6 holes Best Ball – then totalling the number of points at the conclusion of the round.

4 Ball Teams: Played as an individual event during the round. At the end of the round the best two cards of the four players are added together to determine the team score.


INDIVIDUAL HANDICAPS: New members, who have not previously held a Golf Australia (GA) handicap, should submit 3 cards marked by a current member and then the Pro Shop will determine a starting handicap. These cards can be completed whilst playing in the weekly competitions, if desired. Handicaps are entered on the Club’s computer for players’ reference. If a player’s handicap lapses then he or she should ascertain the procedures for re-obtaining a handicap by contacting the Pro Shop or Club Captain. HANDICAPS FOR VARIOUS EVENTS:
  1. Individual: Full handicap for Stroke, Stableford and Par
  2. Foursomes: Half the combined handicaps
  3. Canadian Foursomes: Half of the combined handicaps
  4. American Foursomes: 3/8 of the combined handicaps
  5. Ambrose events:
    • 2 Players – 1/4 of the combined handicap
    • 3 Players – 1/6 of the combined handicap
    • 4 players – 1/8 of the combined handicap
  • Open competitions – 54
  • Club competitions – 54
  • Club championships – 54
  • Women’s open events – 54


Major events: In the event of ties, a play-off on holes determined by the Match Committee will be held.

18 hole events: In the event of ties, count-back on the last 9 holes of card, ecept in major events. If still a tie, last 6 holes and then the last 3, then hole by hole from the 18th back.

9 hole events: In the event of ties, count-back on the last 3 holes of the card. If still a tie, middle 3 holes, then hole for hole from 9th back.

Matchplay: A match which finishes ”all square” will continue hole by hole (sudden-death) until the match is resolved, except in Inter Club events where the match is tied.


Any protest in connection with any competition or match shall be made in writing to the Club Captain immediately, or within a reasonable timeframe, after the completion of such competition or match, and such protest shall be dealt with as early as possible by the Match Committee, whose decision will be final.