Golf NSW – Illawarra Pennants

This weekend it was the turn of the B Pennants side to have the weekend off. The A Team continued their good run, but unfortunately both the C Pennants and White Horse Cup Teams were defeated. Not even the arrival of Barney back from the States first thing this morning could inspire the C Team !!

The A Pennants defeated Kiama at The Vale 4 : 2.  There were wins for Lloyd Herron, Jack Brand and  Mark Johnston. Nathan Rees and Lachlan Maddinson squared their matches.

The C Pennants Team unfortunately, despite the arrival of their mentor back on Australian soil went down in a close one 2.5 : 3.5 against Worrigee at the  Links Shell Cove. Wins came from Garry Podmore  and Steve Mauger. Alex Kershaw halved his match.

The White Horse Cup Team travelled to Jamberoo but unfortunately got beaten 2 : 5 by Kiama. Daniel Troy and Kyle Hawkins contributed the two points.